
The little things of life.

“When peace like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well, with my soul”

January 24, 2017 I went running today.  It’s the only thing I know how to do when I don’t know what to do. The song, “It is well with my soul” played in my head, running through my lips, entering my spirit.

When life is difficult, believe in the almighty Universe. Know you have a destiny that is greater than you see and organized by a power stronger than you know.

Always believe.

We don’t realize the full capacity of life until we have less of it. That’s when we make decisions to make it great. Why can’t we just see that it was great all along? A warm kitchen, homemade soup, food in the refrigerator, and a couch.  A sunny day, dreams in our heads, a bike ride and a paycheck. Dog kisses, dog love, a pillow and a P. Terry’s chocolate shake. It’s the little things that make life great. We were always seeking the big things, when the happiest of times are made up of the little.



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Shelley Steinley

My mission is to give love, hope and beauty to the world in my art and writing. I believe that anyone can achieve their dreams and that all things are possible. I create art to inspire and write books to build confidence and hope. Creating laughter, fun and happiness on a level higher than most people thought possible, I want others to experience true joy in living.

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