
giving good and Noah


I missed writing last week. I’m moving, creating a new website, trying to sell everything I own so I don’t have to move it, and working.

It’s never dull.

I went running. My brain running alongside my legs, I processed a FB post I saw earlier. Why are people so quick to judge? We trash leaders incessantly. I had to check in with myself because my first inclination was to do the same thing. Then I remembered what I’ve been studying–always focus on the good in people, not the bad.

When someone does something we don’t understand, take a step back before making an accusation. Look at their past actions, are they good? If so, then choose to focus on their good, understanding that anyone can make a mistake. Words you say come back to be said about you. If you give criticism, you will be criticized, bringing more things to be criticized into your life. You cannot make the world better by proclaiming and degrading someone on social media. This spreads disease. The best way to cure the hate is to focus on the good. Even if you completely disagree with the person, choose to find the speck of good and focus on that. This is the only way to make the world a better place.

Wednesday I travel to see Noah for his birthday, he’ll be 20. He’s sixty going on seventy days sober, I’m so proud of him.

“Mom, I don’t really think I want to work at Buffalo Wild Wings.” –Noah Steinle

I told him to listen within. If he knew he shouldn’t be there he needed to bee-line out. Quitting after one day, (thank you for the prayers) he has a new job moving office furniture. Several guys from recovery work there, one picks Noah up at 5:30 (M-F) every morning.  They work until 2 when Noah gets another ride to his out-patient treatment until 4, then home. He’s happy. I’m happy. God is good.

Today my son is alive. Thank you. Thank you for loving and following along in my life.

I’ll keep you posted on my new website showcasing my art and writing. it’s going to be great!


xo Shelley



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Shelley Steinley

My mission is to give love, hope and beauty to the world in my art and writing. I believe that anyone can achieve their dreams and that all things are possible. I create art to inspire and write books to build confidence and hope. Creating laughter, fun and happiness on a level higher than most people thought possible, I want others to experience true joy in living.

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