Summer Update
“Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and see if I will not throw open the flood gates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” -Malachi 3:10
I went trail running in Oregon with Josiah. This picture was taken in Bend. It was amazing.
When I began blogging a year ago I intended to write about Noah, but also about life. I wanted to write about hope, about believing always, about celebration, happiness and choosing greatness. What you carry in your physical and mental tool-kit determines how you survive. Attitude determines outcome and that’s why I write about life alongside Noah.
My Noah update:
Noah is sober 24 days. I’m grateful. He’s in treatment again. I hesitate to say location because I need to keep his privacy. Feel free to email me. I love to talk about my son. Noah has a great calling. Going through the fire of addiction he’s learning his strength is listening to his internal voice of God’s faithfulness.
No man is an island, we’re who we are in relation to others. When we give we receive more in return. That’s what this verse means. Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and I will give you abundance.
When we give, it’s our attitude, our true heart, our intention, that God sees. It’s not the giving itself that is important, but it’s the attitude of the giving. We can fool each other, but we can’t fool God. To give of yourself out of gratitude because you’ve been given so much, to want to give because you want the best for others, is the highest form of love. Noah will give from a grateful heart, because he knows it’s only by God’s abundant love that he lives. Noah will impact those still in the disease. They will hear him, listen to him, and learn from him. Noah will save lives.
Thank you for loving and praying, hoping and believing, always. Keep on.
xo S.